Not all jurisdictions are equal. While they have a lot in common each is unique with its on idiosyncrasies in land use, zoning, and permitting. Especially when it comes to implementing state regulations on items that are considered “privileged licenses” such as marijuana, liquor and gaming. What one jurisdiction may allow, another may not as the rules and interpretations vary.
Even the most experienced mountain climbers retain Sherpa’s or local guides who know the mountain. The Codes provide an indication of the terrain but the best path comes from knowing the local processes and procedures as well as those who manage and decide how to implement and interpret them.
Don’t ignore your neighbors or politics or do so at your peril.
Just because it is allowable by Code, does not mean the City or County will approve it. In many cases a project has to go beyond the Code’s minimum requirements to gain staff, neighborhood, Planning Commission support and ultimately Council or Board approval.
Agency Forms & Checklists are helpful but never tell the full story. Successful filings always require more understanding, paperwork, details, plans and sometimes additional studies then what is listed on their checklists.
Official schedules are a guide not a guarantee. Set your time expectations correctly. Successful project approvals take time beyond the official published schedule. Some items don’t follow a schedule. A coordinated development team and some thorough due diligence is essential to a schedule that is realistic.
Every project is unique. There is usually more than one solution when a problem arises with a project. How to think and operate outside of the box but within the local customs and comfort may be the difference in being successful.
Southern Nevada is business friendly except when it’s not. Understanding that this does not mean anything goes is vital. Knowing Land Use and Zoning approvals are just the first step in a project. There will still be studies, and plans that will need to be approved. Depending on the project, you may also require business licenses.
Just because you see someone else doing what you want does not mean you can. Rules change constantly and what is being done elsewhere may not work the same way or even not at all at the location you select.
Las Vegas is how many people refer to Southern Nevada. Actually it consists of multiple jurisdictions: cities, county, regional agencies, and special districts. Each takes pride in the area of its oversight. Getting the names, officials and rules right is just the beginning of understanding how to adapt to the local climate.