With good planning comes a healthy neighborhood, which in turn leads to happier residents, businesses and a healthy tax base for the City. With each zoning category there are typically rules and regulations that determine what can be built or allowed in that category. This doesn’t mean that it can’t be changed. As Cities/ Counties grow the zoning in areas can change based on the needs of that area as well as the needs of the City/County.
Knowing your Zoning and what changes if any you may need, or other applications (there are quite a few!) you may need to request are key to starting a project. If you are still in the planning stage of your project a Due Diligence report is always a good starting point to give you the initial information you need to make a smart decision in where your project should go and the potential cost of getting it approved.
We work with all local Southern Nevada jurisdictions and we are familiar with the staff and supervisors as well as the Municipal Codes. We are familiar with what paths there are to make sure a project is successful and receives approval.
We do all of the following Planning/Zoning work:
- Due Diligence (intelligence gathering on your site)
- Pre-Application Meetings (often required prior to actually submitting a request)
Zoning Applications:
- Zone Changes
- Zoning Overlay District (Gaming, Master Plans, Redevelopment, Rural and others)
- Use Permits
- Design Review/ Site Plan Review
- Waivers to Development Standards
- Variances
- Master Sign Plans
- Tentative Maps
- Reversionary Maps
- Annexations
- Development Agreements
- Right-of-Way Vacations
- Appeals of Planning Commission or City Council Decisions
Still not sure what to do? Contact us for a free consultation.