Neighborhood Relations in Las Vegas

  • Neighborhood Participation Meetings: Residential & Commercial
  • Neighborhood Negotiations
  • Petition Drives

When the term neighborhood meeting is brought up most think of a Home Owners Association (HOA) meeting where residents from a neighborhood attend a meeting held by the HOA board. At these meetings the HOA Board reviews and votes on a variety of actions from budget items to how landscaping is maintained and possibly new rules for homeowners in the neighborhood. When a developer is asked to hold a neighborhood meeting by a City or County they are being asked to do something similar for properties within a determined radius that are considered “neighbors” to the project. The neighbors for a developer/owner may be homeowners, but may also be businesses, land owners or other developers.

Not all projects are required to hold a neighborhood meeting. Each jurisdiction within Southern Nevada has different requirements based on the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) guidelines as well as what the developer is requesting and what the project consists of. The distance radius that determines who will receive an invitation to these neighborhood meetings is also determined by the NRS and by each jurisdiction’s individual requirements based on what is being requested. Typically, the radius for a neighborhood meeting ranges from 500-2500 feet out from the property line of the parcel (s) where the project will be located.

These required neighborhood meetings are very similar to those held by an HOA. At these neighborhood meetings you may discuss the landscaping, business hours, restrictions and other information that could potentially affect the projects “neighbors”. The purpose of these neighborhood meeting is to be informative, not just for the neighbors, but for the developer/owner as well. Here you will be able to tell the neighbors about your project, but you as the developer/ owner will also be able to hear from the neighbors what they think of the project. Hearing your neighbors’ feedback and how you handle that feedback, good or bad, is very important. Neighborhood meetings can make or break a potential project depending on how they are handled.

At G.C. Garcia, Inc. we believe that neighborhood meetings are a great way to tell neighbors about an exciting potential project coming to their neighborhood. It’s also a great way to find out any potential issues that may come up. While it may not seem like it, the project neighbors are stakeholders. They are the ones that live, work and own businesses around your project and they want to know that you in turn will be a good neighbor. We are experienced in knowing how to approach your neighbors to produce the best possible outcome for your project.