
Equity Planning for Equality – An Investment into the Community

By Melissa Eure, President/Director of Planning, G.C. Garcia, Inc.


Equitable and Equal, two very similar words with very different implications. Equal means to be even or balanced.  Equitable means fair or impartial.  At a glance, they seem to be almost the same but let’s use an everyday example to see just how different they are.  […]

A Look at the Las Vegas 2050 Master Plan

A Look at the Las Vegas 2050 Master Plan

By Melissa Eure, President and Director of Planning, GC Garcia Inc.


Why a master plan? City officials use master plans to ensure the needs of the community within city limits are met. The Las Vegas 2050 Master Plan addresses a wide range of topics, including civic space, […]

Need an architect for your project? Ask these questions first

Need an architect for your project? Ask these questions first
By Melissa Eure, President and Director of Planning, GC Garcia Inc.

 In the initial stages of planning a project, determining the many subcontractors that will bring your vision to fruition is a key component, which includes the lead architecture firm. The role of an architect is […]

Nevada Economic Development In View

George Garcia to Moderate Panel with Area Mayors.
While investments and progress serve as the foundations for economic development, a broader set of strategies includes streamlined interactions and processes among developers, entrepreneurs and government officials. In turn, the vitality of local and statewide economies often is driven by the businesses, organizations, cities, and people with a […]

Mastering Land Entitlements

Photo: George and the G.C. Garcia, Inc. staff achieved the moniker, “Red Tape Sherpas” due to their ability to navigate the sometimes-treacherous terrains of government zoning, licensing, permitting, and real estate transactions.
A strategic and knowledgeable approach to securing land entitlements streamlines the involved processes and augments returns-on-investment in commercial real estate development.

Land entitlements […]

G.C. Garcia Inc. brings Redevelopment to Downtown Henderson

We are excited to be part of this new mixed use development project located in the Water Street District in downtown Henderson. This redevelopment project is the largest private project on Water Street in the past 20 years. It boast both commercial and residential developments. Located on the corner of Water Street and Victory, the […]

GC Garcia Master Plan for New Boulder City Interchange

GC Garcia is set to create the master plan for the new Boulder City interchange at I-11 and US-95. GC Garcia, Inc., a Planning and Development Service Firm, is pleased to have been selected by Boulder City to create this Master Plan.

The designation of I-11, coupled with State and local funding, is enabling the initial phase […]

Las Vegas Regulating the New Sharing Economy

By Doug Rankin
GC Garcia

The advent of such companies as Airbnb and Uber in furthering the idea of a “Sharing Economy” has caused local governments in the Las Vegas valley to have a knee jerk reaction in an attempt to regulate them. Local governments are rightly concerned these activities should have some regulation in order to […]