
208, 2016

Las Vegas Regulating the New Sharing Economy

By Doug Rankin
GC Garcia

The advent of such companies as Airbnb and Uber in furthering the idea of a “Sharing Economy” has caused local governments in the Las Vegas valley to have a knee jerk reaction in an attempt to regulate them. Local governments are rightly concerned these activities should have some regulation in order to […]

806, 2016

Goodwill in Southern Nevada on Solid Growth Path


Walking into a Goodwill store in Southern Nevada today is unlike the experience of 20 years ago.

Shoppers are greeted with lively music, nicely dressed mannequins, organized clothing racks and courteous staff.

“We try to really have the stores look like a mainstream store, like a Ross or a Marshalls, to give that […]

210, 2015

Ten Things To Know About Project Approvals in Southern Nevada

Not all jurisdictions are equal. While they have a lot in common each is unique with its on idiosyncrasies in land use, zoning, and permitting. Especially when it comes to implementing state regulations on items that are considered “privileged licenses” such as marijuana, liquor and gaming. What one jurisdiction may allow, another may not as […]

1706, 2015

Red Tape Sherpa

306, 2015

GC Garcia Partners with Goodwill